GNS Science NZ Bee Pollen database

New Zealand Bee Pollen Catalogue

J.I. Raine, X. Li, L. Newstrom-Lloyd

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A.Rich.) de Laub. [kahikatea, white pine]


Key: scale bar 10 microns; after the species and collection number, A = acetolysed, N = non-acetolysed, H = honey; aspect PO = polar view, EQ = equatorial view; focus OS = optical section, SV = surface, AP = aperture

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, NZGS5014 A: SV(corpus, cappa)

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, NZGS5014 A: OS(corpus)

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, NZGS5014 A: SV(corpus, cappula)

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, NZGS5014 N: OS

IGNS collection number: NZGS5014.

Botanical classification: Class Pinopsida; Order Pinales; Family Podocarpaceae.

Common name: Kahikatea, white pine.

Pollen type: Dacrycarpus.

Comparison remarks: Species is distinguished by having 3 air sacs (sacci). The sacs are located more towards one side of the body (corpus), and the corpus wall between them (cappula) is thin. On the other side, the surface of the corpus (cappa) is rough.

Morphology (unacetolysed pollen): Pollen with air sacs. Size class: medium (30-50 μm), or large (50-100 μm). Shape in equatorial view: different at each pole. Shape in polar view: multisided/multilobed or irregular. Aperture numbers: 0 or indefinite. Exine section: thin to medium (no rods visible).

Bee pollen pellet colour: White.

Cite this publication as: "J.I. Raine, X. Li, L. Newstrom-Lloyd (2022). New Zealand bee pollen catalogue. "
© GNS Science, 2022
(P.O. Box 30368 Lower Hutt, New Zealand)